Monday, March 22, 2010

Red Box VS Blockbuster

Renting movies is one of my favorite weekend activities with my wife, but not The favorite... Anyway, I am thankful my wife is not a big chick flick fan and usually she will fall asleep half way during the movie, especially if it has a lot of action. So, where do I go to get a DVD that suits my fancy? I used to use Net Flix and quickly switched to Blockbuster online, of course that was before we had kids and more time on our hands. More recently, two kids later, I have been going back and forth between Blockbuster and Red Box. I have decided to DUMP blockbuster and go steady with Red Box.
Here's why:
- Red Box is conveniently located in the grocery store we visit to stock up on milk
- It only costs a $1 a night compared to $2 + $1 each additional night
- I can drop off the movie at any Red Box I might be close to.
- I like to watch new releases and Red Box keeps up with the new releases.

Is Red Box perfect, no!
- My patience is definitely tested when there is a small family scrolling and scrolling and unable to decide which movie to pick.
-Or if there is a long line and all I need to do is return.
- Or if one machine is down and its a Weekend Night

Over all I am a Red Box Fan!

But I must say, Red Box and Blockbuster have great iPhone apps, go iPhone!

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